Saturday, March 17, 2012

My First Letter to Michael

Dear Michael,

As I watched you head out for school this morning, I found myself in awe at the smart, sweet, funny and good natured little man that you are so quickly becoming. I smiled knowingly as you snuck away and waited for your mother to come around the corner. Sure enough, as your prey approached, out you jumped with a mighty roar which was only diminished by the mischievous smile through which it bellowed forth. I don't know how much credit I can take for the person I see you becoming, but I see so much of myself in you and I am just so proud of you.

This brings me to the reason I am writing to you. As your dad, I am always wondering if I'm saying and doing the right things to lead you toward growing into a strong, independent, and kind-hearted man. I look out into the world everyday, and I find myself wondering if my love and words are strong enough to empower you to withstand the onslaught of experiences that you will eventually face. Whatever you may think of me by the time you read these letters, know that I did the very best I know how to do to show you love and leave you with the faith, strength and wisdom necessary to be your own man in a world that rarely values such qualities - a man I know capable of greatness.

As part of my role as your dad, I have decided to write a series of letters to you in order to share with you some of the things that I think are important to examine and learn from. I often find myself reading a story, or watching the news, or even something as innocuous as listening to a song, and coming across something that strikes me as profound. My hope is that, through these letters, I can present these teaching moments to you, share with you what I hope you come away with, and then trust you to make up your own mind and be your own man. Sometimes these letters may seem a bit silly or even a bit dire but, in all of them, I hope you will be able to see my love and my highest hopes for you.

My one wish for you as your father is not that you be like is that you will be better than me. That you will be your own man, open-minded, open hearted, and yet strong in your convictions is the hope of my heart and the reason for my writings to you.

Let's begin!


Your Dad



  1. The world needs more Daddy bloggers. When do we get to teach him to shoot?

    1. Well, I couldn't let you be the only one I know, right?

      He's already been working with his single-shot dart guns. The trigger pull is a bit much for him, but I figure he's learning all about trigger control and proper technique.
